Chase Bank branch in National City, CA

You can reach Chase Bank branch in National City, California at the following street address and contact phone number, as well as using directions below. Please, share your experience about visiting this branch, provide a review using the form at the end of this page.


1130 Plaza Blvd
91950, National City, California

Phone number: (619) 474-2262
Work hours: Mon: 9:00-6:00; Tues: 9:00-6:00; Wed: 9:00-6:00; Thurs: 9:00-6:00; Fri: 9:00-6:00; Sat: 9:00-4:00; Sun: closed
Type: In-line

Highland Ave and E Plaza Blvd0.3 mi - 1 min
National City, CA, USA
0.3 mi - 1 min
1. Head east on E 8th St toward Highland Ave
125 ft
2. Take the 1st right onto Highland Ave
0.1 mi
3. Turn left onto E Plaza Blvd
Destination will be on the right
0.2 mi
1130 Plaza Blvd91950, , National City, California

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